Angelic Revelations Volume 2 Chapter 6

This chapter and sub-chapters of Angelic Revelations of Divine Truth, Volume 2 deal with the Divine Love and New Birth. The messages with * are hyperlinked to separate pages and can be read in their entirety.


Chapter 6 – The Divine Love and New Birth of the Soul


* Jesus Explains How the Divine Love Enters into the Soul of Man and Answers the Question: “When a Man Dies, Shall He Live Again?”

* Jesus Concludes His Message on: “How the Divine Love Enters into the Soul of Man.”

* John Explains What the Divine Love Is, and How It Must Not Be Confounded with the Natural Love

* Ann Rollins Stresses the Importance of Getting the Divine Love in the Soul

* John Explains the Difference Between the Natural Love and the Divine Love

* Mrs. Padgett Describes How Wonderful It Is to Obtain Possession of the Divine Love

* Andrew, the Apostle, Declares That the Divine Love Casts Out All Fear

* Jesus Explains What It Is That Makes a Man Divine

* Stephen, the Apostle, Affirms That Jesus Wrote, and He Emphasizes the Great Importance of Mr. Padgett’s Receipt of the Messages

* John Discusses the Condition of the Soul When and After the Divine Love Flows into It

* Ann Rollins Encourages Mr. Padgett to Press Forward to the Goal of a Home in the Celestial Heavens. She Also Refers to the Great Love of Jesus, and That Even He Is Still Praying for More of the Divine Love

* Jesus Presents His Discourse on the Real Truth of Life on Earth, and What It Means to Mortals

* Ann Rollins Comments on the Message Jesus Wrote Through Mr. Padgett

John Calvin, the 16th Century Theologian and Reformer Expresses His Interest in the Work and the Means Whereby All Men May Receive the Divine Love

* Nicodemus Confirms the Importance of the New Birth

* Ann Rollins Discusses the Necessity of Obtaining the Divine Love. She Cautions That Those Who Refuse This Great Gift, After the Privilege of Obtaining It Is Withdrawn, Will Suffer the “Second Death.”

* Jesus Explains Why Men Must Receive the Divine Love in Order to Be Admitted to the Kingdom of Heaven, or Celestial Kingdom

* Mrs. Padgett Affirms That Jesus Wrote

* Divine Love Is a Privileged Gift of the Father




Photo: John Boyer from