Benefits of Prayer for Divine Love

Benefits of Prayer for Divine Love


In this mediated message, Jesus explains the benefits of prayer for Divine Love and spirit help which include removal of the effect of worry leading to despondency and discouragement. For related information, go to this page and related articles.


Jesus Explains That One Result of Obtaining the Divine Love Is the Removal of the Effect of Worry.
He Also Stresses That Prayer Is a Wonderful Help When Offered with the True Longings of the Soul, and That Such Prayer Will Always Elicit a Response


I AM HERE. Jesus.

Well, my brother, I see that you are much better than you have been for some days past. Your have prayed more to the Father for the inflowing of His Love and, as a consequence, have more of It in your soul; and you are in a better condition spiritually and physically.

I should like to finish my message on God tonight, but I do not think that you are in just the condition necessary to enable you to receive it; and I think it desirable to postpone it for a while longer.

You must surely realize the effect of prayer to a greater extent than ever, because, if you had not prayed as you have been doing for the past few days, you would have found yourself in a great degree of despondency, as the same cause for creating this despondency exists now as it existed several days ago when you were so depressed and worried. Prayer is a wonderful help when offered with the true longings of the soul, and will always find a response. And the benefit will not be merely spiritual but, as you may say, material as well.

Of course, prayer does not remove the cause of worry and thus relieve the mortal from worry, but it operates on the mortal’s consciousness in such a way as to remove the effect of this cause of worry on the feelings and mental conditions of the mortal; and in this way is the mortal benefited and his prayers responded to. He becomes a new man, as it were, and ceases to look upon these causes in the same light that he did before the prayers commenced to bring their responses. And, in his real self, he is a different man from what he was when in the condition that existed before he prayed.

I am so very glad that you prayed and let your longings go out to the Father, and tried to have faith in us to help you. We are helping you, and you will soon realize the result of our work in securing those things that you desire and consider necessary to enable you to get rid of your worries and perform our work. Continue to pray and to have faith in us. You will not be disappointed in what we promise, for our promises will be fulfilled in a very short time.

I have many messages yet to write, and so desire that you get in condition to receive them properly. And, besides myself, there are many other spirits who want to write upon these Truths that are so important that the world should know. So, if you continue to pursue the course that you followed today, you will find a wonderful improvement in your condition of soul and mind and spirit qualities, and we will be able to form the required rapport that is necessary to our communicating properly.

But, in closing, I advise that you continue to pray with all the longings of your soul, and to believe with all the strength of your mind, and you will develop to a surprising degree in your soul qualities and perceptions, and also in your physical condition and mental strength.

I will say good night.

Your brother and friend, JESUS.


Mrs. Padgett Comments on Prayer’s Use to Remove Worry


I AM HERE. Helen.

Yes, it is Helen. I will write only a few lines, as I see that you are feeling so much better physically and spiritually, and I think it best that you go to bed early tonight.

I am so glad that you do not feel so worried as you did, and, also, that you can understand that prayer helps so much to get rid of the worries, even though it may not remove the immediate cause thereof. But, as you are helped, you are strengthened and the better fitted to deal with the causes and overcome them.

So, my own dear Ned, continue to pray and try to have faith in us, and you will realize so wonderfully the response to your prayers, and the fulfillment of your hopes and freedom from your causes of worry.

Good night.

Your own true and loving HELEN.



For related messages and PDF download of the whole book, click here.

Photo from Primo Collection