Swedenborg Follower Regrets Erroneous Teachings
In these mediated messages, Chauncey Giles, a former Swedenborg follower regrets his erroneous teachings in his earth life and the inability to correct them due to the beliefs of those of Swedenborg’s church. Helen confirms that both Luther and Giles had written. For a message by Swedenborg, go to this page.
Chauncey Giles Changes His Beliefs About Jesus Being God
I AM HERE. Chauncey Giles.
Let me write you a line, for I am interested in what has been just written to you. When I lived on earth, I was a Swedenborgian, or New Churchman, and believed in the doctrines of that church. I especially believed in the cornerstone of its beliefs that Jesus was God and, as such, the only God to be worshiped and accepted as the incarnate God who came to earth and lived and taught among men the coming of God into the flesh.
Well, when on earth, I was a leader or preacher in that church; and, during the course of my ministry, I not only taught but also wrote many pamphlets and some books upon this doctrine of God becoming man in the form of Jesus, and on many other doctrines that I now know to be untrue.
My authority for saying that this fundamental doctrine of the church is untrue is that I have seen and talked with Jesus in the spirit world, and I have learned that he is only the spirit of a mortal (but the highest and most glorious spirit in all the heavens), and that he is not God. I have never seen God nor know of any spirit who has seen Him with the spirit eyes, though Jesus and others of the highest spirits say that they have seen Him with their soul perceptions, which must be true because Jesus is so much like God in this that he cannot tell a lie.
But I know that there is a God, and my knowledge is based on certainty. But I cannot explain the basis of this certainty to you, as you could not comprehend my explanation. But God Lives and Rules and Loves, and is present with us and with you in some or many of His Attributes. And Jesus is not this God.
I wish that I could come to my people and tell them of the errors of their beliefs, and the Truths as they exist to the extent that is now known to me, but I have no hope of ever being able to do so. For one of the cardinal doctrines of the church is that, with the passing of Swedenborg, there passed the possibility of all communications between God, or his angels, and mortals as to spiritual Truths. And it is believed now that it is contrary to God’s Will that mortals should attempt to penetrate the veil that separates the two worlds.
How such beliefs, as I taught, now cause me suffering and regret! For I see no way of remedying the wrong that I did, and of turning the thoughts of my followers into the paths that lead to Truth and the certainty of heaven.
As this is my first attempt to communicate, I am somewhat tired and must stop. But I thank you for the opportunity, and hope that I may have the privilege of writing again sometime.
Notwithstanding my erroneous beliefs, I have some of the Father’s Divine Love in my soul that enables me to sign myself,
Your brother in Christ, CHAUNCEY GILES.
Helen Affirms That Luther Wrote on: “Incarnate God.”
I AM HERE. Helen.
(Did Luther, the former monk and church reformer, just write to me?)
Yes, Luther wrote, and the other spirit I don’t know. But I have no doubt that he is whom he represents himself to be. He seemed to be in much earnestness and was very anxious to write. And seeing that he was a good spirit with a message, we let him write, and he felt better by having done so.
Swedenborg was here tonight and is very anxious to write, and soon he will, as he feels that he must write a message on the subject that you have been interested in recently.
I will not write more. So, with my love, I will say good night.
Your own true and loving HELEN.
Photo Credit: Photo Credit: Ilse Orsel from unsplash.com
For related messages and PDF download of the whole book, click here.