Jesus Again Showed His Great Glory

Jesus Again Showed His Great Glory


In this mediated message given about 10 weeks after the first display, Jesus again showed his great glory in confirming that James Padgett was greatly beloved and prayed for and assisted in his mission. For related information on Jesus showing his glory, go to this page.


Jesus Again Showed His Great Glory, and Gave His Love to Mr. Padgett

December 14, 1915


I AM HERE. Jesus.

 Well, I am so glad that you are so longing for this Love, and I will tell you that the Father loves you with all His Divine Nature, and is helping you to receive this Love into your soul. You will soon receive It in such abundance that you will find yourself happy beyond all conception. And I love you, too, with all my heart and soul, and am very near you and trying to make you feel my presence and influence. Rest assured that I am with you in all my love and tenderness, and that you are the special object of my care and keeping. I wish that you could see me as I write this, for I am filled with so much love for you that, if you could see the Glory of the Father displayed, I know you would never again doubt my love. Oh, my brother, only try to get this Love by prayer and faith in such a way that It will become as real to you as anything which your natural senses show you to exist in the physical world. It is more real than anything in all nature, and you have in you the possibilities of realizing that It is an existing thing and is yours, if you will pray and believe.

I am with you in prayer at night and, with all my love and faith, I ask the Father to bless you and make you a true partaker of His Love and Mercy, and to give you the assurance that you will receive and know that you have them.*

My dear brother, I must stop now. But your longings tonight have been so great and so earnest that I could not stop without telling you as I have. And remember this: that I, Jesus, with all the knowledge and authority that I possess, tell you that the Love of the Father shall be yours. You will become a most happy man and a power on earth in spiritual things, and that which pertains to the Father’s Business.

So, believe me and trust the Father, and you will not be forsaken or left alone, but will be surrounded by a host of witnessing angels who know that you are the chosen child of the Father, and the object of His Great Love and Blessings.

I will not write more now, but I will say that I love you as a true brother and friend, and even closer than that. You must believe, and yours will be the happiness that few on earth possess.

So, with all the great love that is mine, I will say good night and God bless you.

Your friend and brother, JESUS.


* Mr. Padgett told Dr. Stone that, when he was praying just before retiring at night, clairvoyantly, he sometimes saw Jesus alongside praying with him.—Ed.


For related messages and PDF download of the whole book, click here.