The Condition of Jesus’ World

The Condition of Jesus’ World


This mediated message describes the condition of Jesus’ world, the prevalent concept of God, and what kind of a messiah the people expected. Not even most of his disciples understood his mission and messiahship till after the day of Pentecost. Comparatively few understand Jesus’ mission in today’s world.  For related information, go to this page and the related articles.


The Condition of the World When Jesus Came to Teach.


(May 24th, 1915 | Received by James Padgett)

I AM HERE. Jesus.

You are feeling better tonight, and I will try to write a little. I do not know that you are in condition to take a formal message, but I will tell you some things that will be of interest to you and to mankind.

When I came into the world to teach the Truths of my Father, the world was almost devoid of spiritual conception of the true relationship of God to man, and God was a Being of Power and “wrath,” only. It was because of this conception of Him that the Jews were so devoid of the true knowledge of His Nature and Attributes. They only knew Him as a God Who was interested in their material welfare, and did not realize that He was a God Who wanted them to know Him as their Spiritual Father and Savior from the sins and evil natures that they possessed. And, consequently, when I came, they looked upon me—I mean those who accepted me as their Messiah—as one who would redeem them from the slavery which their Roman conquerors had placed them in, and would make them a great and independent nation, more powerful than all the nations of the earth and fitted to rule the whole world.

They had no conception of my true mission on earth. And even my disciples, until shortly before my death, looked upon me merely as a savior of them from the burdens which the Roman yoke had placed upon them. The only one of my disciples who had any approximate realization of what my coming to earth meant was John, and that was because of the great amount of love that seemed to be a part of his nature and being. To him, I explained my real mission and taught him the spiritual Truths which I came to teach, and the only Way in which mortals could receive that Love of the Father, which was necessary to make them one with the Father and enable them to partake of the Divinity of the Father. Hence, only in John’s Gospel is written the one necessary requirement to a full salvation and redemption of mankind. I MEAN THE DECLARATION THAT MEN MUST BE BORN AGAIN IN ORDER TO ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. THIS IS THE ONLY TRUE WAY BY WHICH A MAN CAN BECOME A TRUE CHILD OF THE FATHER AND FITTED TO LIVE IN AND ENJOY THE FATHER’S KINGDOM TO THE FULLEST.

The other disciples had more or less a conception of this necessary Truth, but not the full comprehension of what it involved. Peter was more possessed of this Love than were the other disciples, except John, and, with It, he also understood that I was the true son of my Father. But he never understood nor declared that I was God. He was a man filled with zeal and ambition, but his development of Love was not sufficient to enable him to fully realize, until after my death, that my Kingdom was not to be an earthly one. Then, the conviction came to him in all its truth and fullness, and he became the most powerful and influential of all my disciples.

After the Pentecost, all of my disciples understood what my real mission was, and they went into the world and preached the true doctrines of my mission on earth, and of the Love of the Father for His children. They also preached the fact that that Love was waiting for all who should seek for It.

So, you see, many of my disciples were not possessed of the true conception of my mission when on earth, and they were not true followers of me in that inner meaning of what the Love of the Father meant and of what I tried to preach to them.

I have on earth now many mortals who understand my teachings better than my disciples did when journeying with me through Palestine, and with a greater extent of soul knowledge.

But there are a great many men and women now living who do not understand my teachings, even though they think they understand the Bible and the interpretations of its discourses in accordance with the accepted doctrines of the learned and so-called “teachers” of its truths.

I don’t feel that you can write more tonight and, so, will stop and say that you must continue to get stronger, spiritually and physically, so that we can continue our writings more rapidly and with greater satisfaction. So, believe that I am Jesus, your true friend and brother, who is with you very much trying to help you and make you happy and contented.

With my love and prayers, I am



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