Jesus’ Words on the Cross

Jesus’ Words on the Cross


Per later revelation (see reference below), Jesus corrected the gospel stories regarding his words on the cross.

Jesus did no talking while on the cross because of the pain and physical exhaustion. While two others were crucified with him, one on each side, they did no talking to him either – neither did one mock him, nor did the other seek pardon from him. In fact, Jesus had no authority to forgive sin as it is incorrectly stated in various passages of the New Testament.

The truth is that the only ways for man to achieve forgiveness of sins is either through obtaining the Divine Love, which will assure one a place in the Celestial Heavens (Kingdom of God), or through purification of the natural love, a long and tedious process that fits the individual soul for a place in the Sixth or highest Sphere of the spirit world.

While specific expressions are attributed to the dying Jesus, to show that he fulfilled Old Testament messianic prophecies, he didn’t speak any of these words on the cross either. This includes “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”, the opening line of the messianic Twenty-Second Psalm, and his supposedly last words on earth: “Into Thy Hands I commend my spirit,” found in the Thirty-First Psalm.

The truth is that after his death, the copyists searching the Scriptures found these passages within the Psalms and decided that Jesus must have said them so that these Psalms would be fulfilled.  Thus they wrote the account of his crucifixion with these additions, to show that Jesus fulfilled the Scriptures. However, in reality these accounts are false and without foundation.

Regarding the two disciples that Jesus encountered on the way to Emmaus (Luke 24:13), Thomas was the second disciple. He and Cleopas left Jerusalem on the day of Jesus’ rising from the dead to escape what they feared would be certain arrest and crucifixion, as had happened to Jesus. So Jesus went after them to bring them back to Jerusalem and have all the disciples together when he should next see them in the flesh.

Thomas had begun to doubt, and his attitude could have been disastrous to the whole plan of salvation by bringing scepticism into the minds of the other disciples. So Jesus went to Emmaus and had Thomas and Cleopas recognize him when he broke bread with them.  They immediately regained their faith and returned to Jerusalem to face whatever dangers there might be.




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Photo Credit: Andreas Thies