Death and judgment are certain. But judgment means different things to different people. Orthodox Christians usually believe that God is the judge who will pronounce a sentence based on the person’s deeds. Others believe in pure cause and effect experienced by the soul in an after-death existence.
Judgment will not only take place after death, but operates also throughout the physical life. It is the outcome of established laws – cause and effect or reaping what we sow. The judgment, or its effects, become intensified after death, in the spirit world existence. At that time, the causes of disharmony with the law become more pronounced and appear in their true meaning and force. As a result, there is more suffering and greater realization of the darkness – even gross darkness – that the causes and resultant effects have produced.
Judgment day is not a special time of sentencing, but rather it is every day in both the earth and spirit life where the law of compensation is still working. While time as such is not known in the spirit world, every breath is a part of eternity. Judgment continues until the spirit reaches the condition of harmony whereby the law no longer demands judgment.
Just because humans cannot see God and many don’t even acknowledge His existence, He sees all His creatures. Every human thought and deed are known to Him and taken account of. The record is kept in the memories and conscience of each person – each individual is their own book keeper with all thoughts and deeds recorded in the memory. When the time comes to render an account of their life, no other place or receptacle is sought to find this record, and nothing can be hidden or lost until it has fulfilled its purpose.
Humans may create, but they cannot destroy the results of their thoughts and actions. While they may forget and ease their consciences by forgetting on earth, when they come to the spirit world and are called upon to render an account, the inexorable laws that are really their judges and executioners show them that there is no such thing as forgetting.
God is not present in wrath and judgment, but only in love – rejoicing not in the suffering of his children because of sin, but rather in their redemption from suffering that the violation of the Laws of Harmony exacts with certitude. However, judgment, although not meted out by an “angry god”, is still to be feared for the immutable law demands exact restoration, and the judgment is inescapable. Memory is the human storehouse of good and evil and it doesn’t die with the death of the body. Instead it becomes fully alive upon the physical, mortal body being discarded.
There is a way, however, through which men may turn the judgment of death into a judgment of life, disharmony into harmony, suffering into happiness, and judgment itself into something desirable. This is the way of seeking the Divine Love and the New Birth.
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Reference: New Testament Revelations of Jesus of Nazareth
Photo Credit: Michal Zacharzewski
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