Power of Positiveness

The excerpts on this page show the power of positiveness and the importance of the mind in relation to healing. Positive thinking without doubt promotes health and healing.

For related information go to here and the whole section on  Keys to Happiness.

(1) Numerous studies have tightly linked the mind and body, proving that poor health is always related to unhappy thoughts.

(2) One study showed that the scientists – after being laid off by a government agency – were dying earlier because they were filled with fear, uncertainty, and doubt—FUD for short.

(3) Strong scientific evidence shows that: (a) positive thinking, as represented by the placebo effect, can make us feel better, and (b) positive thinking makes us feel better by improving our body chemistry.

(4) In the film industry, when actors acted out happy scenes, their immune systems grew stronger (as indicated by a higher T-cell proliferation rate). But, when the actors acted sad, their immune systems weakened. Here was strong, direct proof of the link between mind and body, of the powerful influence thoughts have on the immune system.

(5) The mind doesn’t know if the thoughts are “real” or not. It simply revs up the immune system when it sees happy thoughts, and puts on the health brakes when it sees sad ones. This means that if we tell ourselves that we are happy, we will be healthier.

(6) Indeed, scientific studies have confirmed that feeling sad, anxious, or fearful can have a powerfully negative effect on the body.

(7) Strong evidence further shows that the kind of supportive, positive thoughts engendered by caring friends in a support group could actually lengthen life.

(8) A great many studies have shown that certain types of thoughts, feelings, or emotions are connected with health and disease.
For example:

(a) Studies of women suffering from cancer of the breast and cervix showed that being joyful and optimistic leads to a better outcome and longer life than being full of negative emotions.

(b) The Chicago Western Electric Study, which followed approximately 2,000 workers for 17 years, linked depression to cancer. Workers who were significantly depressed according to scores on the MMPI Depression Scale were more than twice as likely to develop cancer as those who were not.

The evidence regarding the power of positiveness is clear: positive, hopeful, joyful, optimistic thoughts, even when there is no objective basis for these thoughts, are a powerful medicine. And being able to express these thoughts make the “medicine” even stronger.

On the other hand, thoughts of anger, defeat, hopelessness, and helplessness are like “germs,” growing stronger when they are unexpressed and unresolved.

Each of the above comments represents the conclusion of a separate scientific research study!


Reference: Prostate Health in 90 Days without Drugs or Surgery

Header Photo: Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash