This section explores Divinity or the nature or aspects of the Divine — the Ultimate Reality and Source of All that exists, referred to by various names, such as God, Tao, Brahmin, Great Spirit, or even Universe.
Ultimately this Being / Entity is incomprehensible and unnameable. Once we put a name or description on it, we have limited it. Mystics, sages and theologians throughout the ages have tried to find out what this Ultimate Reality, the Cause Behind Everything really is. In their development of thought and ideas, they have created myths and metaphors, because ordinary language is inadequate.
Sacred texts give glimpses of the Divine, as does nature and personal experience. However, one needs to be in tune and carefully watch for these. Perhaps camouflage is another analogy one can use — the manifestations of God are all around us, but like a camouflaged lizard on the forest floor, they are not obvious, unless we are highly observant and mindful. Perhaps someone needs to point out to us what to look for — we need a guide or teacher to open our eyes.
And most importantly, we need to be receptive. Many simply aren’t interested in spiritual matters, and even fight those who teach and proclaim that Something Higher, Something Beyond Us exists. The materialistic scientific philosophy that has been with us for about 150 years basically teaches us that what is not observable is not real.
It also seems that receptivity to the Divine is given — one’s eyes are opened to see that the physical life cannot be all there is, that it couldn’t have just sprung up all by itself, that there must be more to our human existence than just a short few decades on the earth without any higher meaning.
Despite the evils we see perpetrated by humans on each other as well as their environment and the resultant unfavourable consequences, overall, the Universe is friendly. The creation provides abundantly for human needs, and not only in basic necessities, but far beyond that. Apart from a large range of foods which are not only tasty, but also pleasant to the eyes, there is, surrounding us at every turn, natural beauty that inspires and lifts the human spirit. Animals can become lovable companions for us. Human love is something wonderful and delightful. And much more can be perceived if we have the eyes to see. We can conclude that the Source of All — whatever name we give it — is loving.
This section then explores the nature of God through revelation, nature, and personal experience.
Photo: Fern Evans
For related articles in the References section on the nature of God, go to:
ARDT 1, Chapter 5, Jesus: Who and What Is God? (May 25th, 1917 | Received by James Padgett)