Relationship Between Jesus and John the Baptist

Relationship Between Jesus and His Cousin, John the Baptist


This mediated message deals with the relationship between Jesus and John the Baptist, their different messages and complementary missions. It also addresses the correct reading and the meaning of the saying attributed to Jesus in all three synoptic gospels, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” For related information, go to this page and the related articles.


Revelation 4

The Relationship Between Jesus and John, the Baptist

March 24, 1955.
Received by Dr Samuels


I am here, Jesus.

I am here again to write on the truths and errors contained in the New Testament, but before I do so I would like to clear up the question posed by the Doctor concerning the relationship between me and my cousin, John the Baptist. Before entering upon my mission, I had discussed the broad outlines as well as the details of our respective missions with John, and in accordance with the Old Testament sayings and indications, it was thought advisable for John to be a forerunner and prepare the way for my coming. That meant that John would preach in various places and country districts ahead of me, so that when I arrived the way would be prepared for me; that is to say, curiosity and speculation as to my message would be awakened by John. John preached mainly near the banks of the Jordan and never strayed far from it, and it was near the Jordan that he was apprehended by the soldiers of Herod and brought before him.

John and I never preached together in the same place, for that would have defeated the very purpose of his own mission to straighten the paths for my subsequent coming. Not only this, but the tenor and substance of our preachings were very different. John preached repentance, and he meant repentance in the traditional sense of the word – a turning away from sin and error and renewed obedience to the law of Moses, with love to God and one’s neighbor, which leads to the condition of the perfect natural man. I also preached repentance, for I said: “Repent ye, for the Kingdom of God is at hand, believe in the glad tidings.” Now the meaning which I gave to the word repentance was not that which was applied by John, for I meant by repentance a turning anew to God and a seeking of the Celestial Heavens through prayer, for I taught that the great gift of immortality had been rebestowed upon mankind by the Heavenly Father in my person and that the soul’s yearning for His Love and its seeking for this Love through earnest prayer was real repentance. And when I said, “I come not to call the righteous but the sinner to repentance,” I mean that sinners could by turning to God receive the gift of the Divine Love as well as the righteous, for it was available to both, but alas, it was not the righteous but the sinners of my day who repented and sought God and His Love, while the righteous, or those who considered themselves righteous, refused in their self-satisfaction the great gift that was theirs for the asking.

There are more things that I would like to write you about and that is regarding the words: “It is easier for a rope to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” I did not use the word “camel” for it has no association with the word “needle,” and it never occurred to me to use it, as it is found in many versions of the New Testament. Neither did I say a rich man would find it difficult to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, for if I had, then it would be understood that the poor man could do so more readily than the rich man, and this was not my meaning, for entry into the kingdom is an individual matter and depends upon the soul’s desire or dormant state, although a superficial consideration would suggest that the rich man, being addicted to his earthly treasures, would be less interested in the things of the soul. As a matter of fact, I said; “It Is easier for a rope to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a mortal man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven,” and it was because of this seeming impossibility for a man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven that evoked from Peter the question; “Who then can be saved?”

This questioning was normal with the disciples, for it was usual for students of religion in the eastern countries to ask questions of the teachers and rabbis, and as a matter of fact I taught them that through earnest prayer to the Father for His Love the human soul is transformed from the image of God to His very Essence, and when the soul is thus filled to the extent that it may reach the Celestial Heavens all sin and desire to sin are eradicated and in that way is man saved. This sermon of mine was eliminated by later copyists and revisionists of the New Testament because they could not understand it and in its stead they wrote: “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

This statement in itself is certainly true, but as a substitute for the lesson on the Divine Love which I at that time was teaching my disciples, it takes away from those who read the New Testament the very message that I had been sent by the Father to proclaim.

You thus see how important it is for you to receive my messages in good condition, so that this sad state of affairs which is so harmful and deleterious to man’s knowing the Way to the Father, can be remedied by the truths and facts as they pertain to the New Testament.

Jesus of the Bible


Master of the Celestial Heavens.



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