Herod’s Experience in the Hells


Herod’s Experience in the Hells


This mediated message shares King Herod’s experience in the hells and confirms that they are actual physical places that increase the sufferings of those who have to deal with recollections of their evil deeds. For related information, go to this page.



King Herod Writes on the Hells,
and Also Corroborates Swedenborg’s Statement That the Hells Are Actual Places Where Suffering Is Experienced


I AM HERE.  Herod.

Let me write just a line before you close, as I am anxious to tell you of a matter that may be of importance to you in reference to the descriptions of the hells which you received last night from Swedenborg.

He says that the hells are places as well as conditions, and that they have certain appearances and surroundings as a part of them that make the sufferings of the evil spirits increase. Well, this is true. And, in addition, I wish to say that not only are these appearances and surroundings real and existing to the consciousness of the spirit, but they are also real as a fact, independent of the consciousness. If there were no spirits in these hells, these appearances and surroundings would exist just the same.

So, you see, a great many mortals whom I have heard express their opinions to the effect that hell is a mere condition of the recollections of the spirit, and nothing more, are altogether wrong in such opinions. They will find that the consolation from such opinions, if there be any, will not be found whenever they may become inhabitants of these hells.

I have passed through all of them and know whereof I write. For there is no teacher so efficient and convincing as the teacher called experience.

If I had only my recollections and remorse as the cause of my sufferings, I know that they would have been much lighter and not so excruciating as they were. No, mortals will not find any consolation in such a hope, for there is no foundation for such hope. And the poor, deceived mortal who bases his ideas of hell on such a hope will be sadly disappointed. When you consider for a moment, you will see that there is nothing unreasonable in the facts that I have stated.

You and all others who believe in the happiness of the higher Spiritual Spheres, not to mention the Celestial Spheres, believe that the happiness of the spirits who inhabit these spheres is increased and made more real by the beautiful surroundings and the fruits and living water that so many spirits have described as being a part of that higher existence. Then, why is it not as reasonable to suppose that there are surroundings and appearances in the hells that will make the condition of the spirits, whose evil lives have caused them to become inhabitants of these hells, one of even more unhappiness, and create more suffering and misery? This supposition is one that no reasonable argument can prove to be incorrect.

I merely wanted to add what I have said to what Swedenborg wrote, for I know that conviction must come where statements are based upon actual experience, and where knowledge is derived from sufferings which come from the actual existence of things that are sometimes alleged not to exist.

I will not write more now, but, in closing, will say that I have long since left these hells, and am now an inhabitant of higher spheres and a follower of the blessed Master.

When on earth, I was known as Herod, the King of Judea, and the poor, miserable, mistaken man who thought that by slaying the babes of Bethlehem he would maintain his power as ruler.

So, good night, and God bless you. HEROD.



Mrs. Padgett Confirms That Herod Wrote on the Hells

 I AM HERE. Helen.

Well, sweetheart, you have had a letter tonight from a spirit who ought to know what he is writing about, as he was a most wicked man, and, as I have been told, suffered the torments of the lowest hells.

But as to you, personally, I want to say that it will make no difference to you what the nature of the hells is, or whether there be any or not. You will never see them, unless, when you come over, you have a desire to visit them for the purpose of doing good to some poor unfortunate. And I thank God for this assurance and knowledge.

I will not write more tonight. With all my love, I am

Your own true and loving HELEN.



John, the Apostle, Confirms That Swedenborg and Herod Gave True Descriptions of the Hells


I AM HERE. John.

I merely want to say that I have listened to the message that you read, and to the remarks of your friend and yourself, and I believe that you have a true conception of the truth as to these hells.

Swedenborg gave you a correct description of their conditions as they actually exist, and Herod told you, with the certainty of experience, what he found to be true. And I, John, who have visited them in the efforts to allay the sufferings of the spirits who inhabit them, tell you that they exist as places, with all the darkness and surroundings that cause the sufferings of the unfortunate spirits to increase. I desire to make this statement so that this question of what hell really is may be settled for all time, so far as you are concerned.

I know that many mortals console themselves with the belief that, because of certain natural laws, there cannot possibly be any hells such as the orthodox teach, and that, therefore, there cannot be any hells at all. But this conclusion, drawn from the premise, is not correct. The mere fact that a man or spirit cannot burn eternally and never be consumed does not justify the inference that such spirit cannot be punished by surroundings which have a fixed locality.

No, man must not rest in the belief of there being no such hells as Swedenborg has described, because, if they do, they will be woefully mistaken and surprised, should they live such lives on earth as will cause them to be placed in these hells.

I merely wanted to say this much tonight, as I don’t want you to receive any communication which is not in accord with the Truth.

It is of such vital importance that you receive nothing but the Truth that we who are interested in this work have determined that nothing but the Truth shall come to you. And whenever error or misstatements creep in, we will carefully correct the same.

Your brother in Christ, JOHN.




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