The Temptation and Fall from Another Perspective

The Temptation and Fall from Another Perspective


In this mediated message Amon, the first woman, talks from her perspective about life before their disobedience and what led to the temptation and fall, in which both humans shared in equally. For related information, go to this page.


Amon, Mother of All Human Creation, Relates Her Earliest Experiences.
She Also Explains the Temptation and Disobedience Which She and Aman Shared in Equally


I AM HERE. Amon.

 I am the first mother of all the human race, and I want you to know that, before Aman and myself, no human beings ever existed. We were created by God at the same time, and were ready to live the lives of natural beings just after the moment of our creation. There was no gradual growth on our part from any other creature or thing.

I know it has been said that the first man was not created, but developed from some animal of the lower order; and, as the process of evolution proceeded, this being became, in the end, a man, with all the wonderful organism and structure of his body. But I want to tell you that this is not true.

When I was created* I was as perfect in my physical organism as I ever was afterwards, or as any man or woman ever became from that time into the present. In fact, I believe that, at the time of our creation, we were more perfect than mankind is now, because we had no physical ailments, no sickness, no deformity of any kind.

We certainly were more beautiful in face and form than mankind is now or has been for many long centuries. And, besides, our bodies and organism lasted for longer years than do the bodies of mankind at this time.

Before our fall, we were very happy in our conjugal love, and knew not troubles or worries of any kind. We never had anything to make us afraid or draw us apart from each other or from God until the great temptation came. And, then, because of our ideas of our greatness and power and want of dependence on God, we fell. And never again were we restored to our position of beauty and happiness that was ours when our souls were first given to us on earth from above.

So, you must see that, as to our souls, we were specially created and not evolved from any other thing.

Some men may now marvel and wonder at the Bible description of the creation of man, and reject the description as the imaginings of a mind of romance or imagery, and not true. But I tell you now that the essentials of this creation and the fall are true. Of course, the parts played by the apple and the snake and the devil are not true, literally, but are symbolical of the principles that entered into the temptation and fall.

(Were you to blame for enticing Aman to sin, as the Bible relates?)

Well, I was as much to blame as was Aman, but I did not entice him after I had the ambition to become immortal without waiting till that time came when God would give us that Quality of His Own Nature. Rather, our ambitions grew together. We discussed the matter of making the great effort between us, and acted as one in trying to obtain this great immortality.

So, the story in the Bible is not exactly true, just as far as I am concerned, for I did not entice or seduce Aman to do the great wrong. Neither did he seduce me to enter into the effort.

But all that is past. Many thousand years have gone by since our fall, and we have suffered much because of our first sin. As you have been told, many thousands of years passed since the time that we forfeited the Gift of immortality, and until it was restored and made known to humanity by Jesus, the son of God; for he was the son of God. And, as being a part of his Father’s Divine Nature, he was divine and partook of those Qualities of the Father which gave to him immortality. And those who follow his teachings and receive the New Birth will become divine and immortal also.

I must not write more tonight.

(Will you come and write again sometime?)

Yes, I will, and now I will say good night.

Your sister, AMON.


* “Created,” here, refers to God’s instantaneous implantation of Amon’s soul into her already possessed, developed and perfected physical body. —Ed.



Mrs. Padgett Refers to Jesus’ Love for Mr. Padgett. She Also Affirms That Amon Wrote About the Creation of the First Parents, the Difference in Their Qualities, and Their Equality in Their Relationship to God


I AM HERE. Helen.

 Well, my dear old Ned, you must stop writing for tonight, as you have written a long time.

I am so glad that you are now in such good condition of faith and love, and feel so close to God and so near to the Master. It certainly is wonderful how he loves you and clings to you and tries to help and influence you for good. We are all surprised at his love for you, and he does not seem to grow impatient that you sometimes seem not to care whether he loves you or not. But such is his great love.

Oh, my dear, you must love him more and get closer to him and trust him with all your heart and mind, for I, your own Helen, tell you that he is with you very much and loves you more than you can possibly conceive to be true.

He is trying to help you spiritually and he will succeed. (What can you tell me about Amon who just wrote to me?)

Well, she was a beautiful and bright spirit—more so than most any of the spirits that I have seen from the higher spheres. She talked to me for a while and told me that she was the first mother, and that I was one of her children. She has a wonderful portion of the Divine Love, and seemed so grand and loving to me that I am inclined to believe her. But I cannot tell you anything more about her, as I never saw her before. But I heard the Master say that he would tell you sometime about her, and you may get a great treat from him.

So, good night.

Your loving and true HELEN.



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