Angelic Revelations Volume 1 Chapter 6

This chapter and sub-chapters of Angelic Revelations of Divine Truth deal with the Holy Spirit — what it is, what are its functions and how it differs from the Spirit of God. Related themes are also found here. The messages with * are hyperlinked to separate pages and can be read in their entirety.


Chapter 6 — The Holy Spirit


* Many Who Think That They Have Received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Have Only Advanced in the Purification of Their Natural Love (JESUS)

* Luke States What the Holy Spirit Is, and Declares That the Mystery of the Godhead, Three in One, Is a Myth. He Also Explains What Is Meant by the Spirit of Man. (LUKE, THE APOSTLE)  

A Spirit and Former Minister Affirms Luke’s Expositions. He Regrets That He Did Not Teach the Truth When on Earth. (BISHOP  NEWMAN)